Interreligious Encounters

I grew up in the American Mountain West with a very limited religious worldview and a very wide geographical horizon. I left both behind years ago, but I find that interacting with people of different faith practices and worldviews gives me a similar feeling to riding a horse across the Wyoming prairie. It is a feeling of boundless horizons, of seeing to the edge of the sky. A desire for this kind of immense expanse in interreligious encounters is what drives my work to understand how we talk with people who orient around religion differently.

Everyday encounters between people of differing worldviews and religious identities are becoming increasingly common. Many of these interactions are positive and productive – working for climate change or to end discrimination and inequality. Unfortunately, many more are marked by controversy and conflict – from small workplace disagreements to shootings and hate crimes. 

My work facilitates conversations that result in understanding and appreciation of differing worldviews. Contact me to find out how I can help your business or place of worship begin or improve interreligious (and intercultural) interactions at all levels. 

Linguistic hospitality opens its hands and its eyes to welcome the other. It is a hermeneutical concept that allows for interreligious encounters that respect difference while looking for ways to dialogue, to speak across, those same differences.

Linguistic Hospitality in Spiritual Care and Counselling